The Applicant Status Change report in your Applicant Tracking System (ATS) allows hiring managers to download detailed information about changes in applicant statuses. This article will guide you through accessing, filtering, and downloading this report, and understanding the data it provides.

Accessing Downloadable Reports

  1. Navigate to the Reports Menu: At the top of your ATS page, locate the Reports Menu.
  2. Select Downloads: Click on "Downloads" to go to the Downloadable Reports page.

  3. Find Applicant Status Change Report: On the Downloadable Reports page, look for the "Applicant Status Change" option.

Filtering the Report

Before downloading, you can filter the report by the following criteria:

  • Site: If your account has Multisite/Staffing enabled, you can filter by specific sites.
  • Job: Select a specific job to include only the relevant applicants. You can also select "Active Job Listings" to only include those requisitions you currently have open. 
  • Date: Choose a date range to include only status changes within that period.

Downloading the Report

  1. Click the Download Icon: Next to the "Applicant Status Change" report, click the download icon.

  2. Check Your Email: A link to download the report in CSV format will be sent to your email. The included link will only be valid for two weeks.

  3. Download and Open the Report: Use the link in the email to download the report. You can open the CSV file in any spreadsheet program for further manipulation and analysis.

Understanding the Report Data

The Applicant Status Change report might include the following columns. If there is no data for a specific column, it might not appear in the CSV file.

  • App Id: Applicant ID
  • Site Id: ID of the site (if Multisite/Staffing is enabled)
  • Site Name: Name of the site (if Multisite/Staffing is enabled)
  • Site Url: URL of the site (if Multisite/Staffing is enabled)
  • External Id: External reference ID
  • First Name: Applicant's first name
  • Last Name: Applicant's last name
  • Address 1: Primary address line
  • Address 2: Secondary address line
  • City: City of residence
  • State: State of residence
  • Zip: Zip code
  • Country: Country of residence
  • Phone: Phone number
  • Email: Email address
  • Rating: Applicant's rating
  • Applied For: Job applied for
  • Status: Current status of the application
  • Status Date: Date the current status was set
  • Status Set By: Person who set the current status
  • Previous Status: Previous status of the application
  • Previous Status Date: Date the previous status was set
  • Previous Status Set By: Person who set the previous status
  • Date Applied: Date the application was submitted
  • Date Archived: Date the application was archived
  • Source: Source of the application
  • LinkedIn: LinkedIn profile information
  • Tags: Tags associated with the application
  • Alerts: Alerts associated with the application
  • Last Activity: Date of the last activity on the application
  • Job Id: Job ID
  • Job Code: Job code
  • Company Id: Company ID
  • Job Category: Job category
  • Compensation Type: Type of compensation (e.g., salary, hourly)
  • Employment Type: Type of employment (e.g., full-time, part-time)
  • Pay Period: Pay period (e.g., monthly, bi-weekly)
  • Salary: Salary information
  • Notes: Additional notes

Custom Fields

If your ATS account includes job custom fields, these will also appear in the report, ensuring you have all the necessary data for analysis.

By following these steps, hiring managers can efficiently track and analyze applicant status changes, helping to streamline the hiring process and make data-driven decisions. And remember, if you ever need a hand or have a question, we're here to help. Happy hiring!