Rescinding an offer letter in the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) can be a bit challenging, as the system does not allow for direct rescindment. However, there is a workaround that can help you achieve this. 

Step-by-Step Instructions to Rescind an Offer Letter:

  1. Edit the Applicant Profile:
    • Navigate to the applicant's profile in the ATS.
    • Change the applicant's email address to your own email address.
  2. Send a New Offer Letter to Yourself:
    • Send a new offer letter to yourself using the applicant's profile.
    • This action will invalidate the original offer letter link, making it fail for the candidate.
  3. Revert the Applicant's Email Address:
    • Once you have sent the new offer letter to yourself, go back to the applicant's profile.
    • Change the email address back to the applicant's original email address.
    • This will not cause any issues moving forward as the original offer letter will no longer be valid.


  • Will the Applicant Know That I've Rescinded the Offer?
    • No. You will need to create a separate correspondence to notify the applicant that their offer letter has been rescinded; the above process will not inform the applicant that the offer has been withdrawn.
    • To ensure consistency in your communication, you can create a message template for such notifications. You can then use this template to send a notification message through the applicant's profile.
  • What Will Happen if the Applicant Tries to Access the Offer Letter Link?
    • They will reach an error screen stating that their offer letter was not found. At this point, you should expect them to reach out to you via their applicant profile messaging, which is why you want to make sure you've taken step 3 above, to ensure you can respond to them when they inquire. 
  • What if the Applicant Already Signed the Offer Letter?
    • You will need to reach out to them directly and inform them that their offer has been revoked. 
  • What if the Offer Letter is in a Pending Status and has Not Been Sent Out Yet?
    • If an offer letter is waiting for approval and hasn't been sent to the candidate for signature, you have the option to reject the approval request using the approval email or ask the approver to do so. You also have the opportunity to add a note explaining the reason for the rejection.
  • Can I Delete the Offer Letter from the Restricted Files Section?
    • No. The offer letter is part of their record. In general, you should consult an attorney before deleting any part of an applicant's file.